The fastest acting, safest and longest
release amino acid-based fertilizers
Better nutrition, better soil, better plants, better environment
AminOrganix fertilizers are scientific blends of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and essential soil trace elements to supplement the natural food supply in the soil. They are the fastest acting amino acid liquid and granular fertilizers that are FDA feed grade materials to ensure they are safe around adults, children, pets and wildlife, including fish.
Landscaper's Choice
All our products enhance the symbiotic relationship with the plant while attracting and feeding billions of CFU’s of beneficial microorganisms and mycorrhizae, increasing root mass and strengthening the plants throughout the growing season.
Amino acids, multiple protein sources, and plant focused organic chemistry in our granular line provides food for bacteria, mycorrhizae and other beneficial microorganisms, key to nutrient utilization.
33 proprietary amino acids in our liquids feed the plant foliarly, as well as through the roots, so effectively, it will grow plants without any soil, or microorganisms.
That’s the simple answer, of course there’s more science to it, but the result is a richer growing environment and greener, more robust plants, trees, turf, vegetables and ornamentals… That's what it's all about!
How do they work?
Total Plant Nutrition
Reduces fertilizer applications, up to 150 day feeding
Earlier green-up and consistent color season long
Increases root mass and depth reducing water use
Formulations available with ZERO phosphorus
Increases carbon sequestration
100% FDA Feed Grade

by Market

Watch these videos for more information!

Why Landscaper's Choice?

Our Founder's Story.
The most complete turf nutrition with up to 10 natural micro-nutrients
NO manures, NO fillers, made of 100% soil builders
Unsurpassed safety for people, plants and pets
Manufactured to feed grade standards
Sustainable ingredients

We are AminOrganix, the global leader in fast acting, safe and extended release amino acid-based fertilizers.
Since 1995, AminOrganiX natural and organic based sustainable fertilizers have provided better nutrition for better soil, better plants and a better environment.
You won't find manures or sewage in our fertilizers...only natural feed-grade ingredients found in pet food. People and animals can work and play immediately after application.
AminOrganix products are used in golf, sports turf, polo, landscape, nurseries, bioremediation and specialty agriculture.
Our mission:
To serve global markets by continuously improving and creating the fastest acting, most sustainable, longest release and safest amino acid-based fertilizers.
How and where to use our products?
Just about anywhere you can think of...
What are you growing?
You can use AminOrganiX products just about anywhere you can think of, to grow better results, while you help improve the environment.
AminOrganiX products are that safe and that effective.
For more information, check out the products pages.
For questions about golf, polo and ornamentals please contact
New Generation AG (863) 825-4494
Tyler Jacoby, Ph.D. and Buford Creech, CCA
Corporate Headquarters
For answers to your questions or inquiries about selling our products, please let us know how to reach you.